Lung Repair + Protection Syrup

As we are grieving the loss of so many loved ones at this time. The California fires have given us a time to look at what we have lost, and what we have left. I know rebuilding isn't easy, and takes so much time. We have been talking about how we can keep supporting the community during these times of terrible smoke in the air, and emotional trauma, for us its herbal medicine.

Herbal Medicine should be understandable and accessible. In my previous blog Fire Support: Herbs for Lungs and Trauma I talk about the herbs that are most easily acquired at your local grocery store or boxed teas you may already have in your cupboard. Most folks were gifted a peppermint holiday tea a December or two ago, or have some leftover chamomile behind the crackers. Use these precious herbs, just put use tea bags instead of one. And add honey.

This is the time to moisten the lungs. Excessive smoke dries out moisture and can dry out your lungs and skin. I would not recommend detoxing or using expectorants until the fires are gone and the air clears. This is why honey is so vital to our yummy lung syrup. Here's a recipe we are using for ourselves and community:

Equal parts, 1/2 ounce each:
Mullein leaf
Licorice root
Marshmallow root
Plantain leaf

+ Simmer in 8 cups of water for 1 hr, covered. Strain and add 16 ounces of honey*. Mix together and after cooled, refrigerate. Drink 3-6 teaspoons per day.
* you can substitute maple syrup for honey if you are giving this to a little person, but honey is preferred.

We also have a full collection for Lung Support and Repair on our site.

Sending lots of love.

Laura Ash